Small Sided Games

3v3 (or 4v4) Angle Advantage:

  • The player starting with the ball (1) starts with a hip advantage on his defender (X1) - the drill is live when 1 attacks.

  • If 1 can get downhill and finish at the rim, he should - the defense must rotate to take this way.

  • The offense tries to keep the advantage and create a good shot, while the defense scrambles and tries to recover.

3v3 Attacking CLoseouts:

  • The three defenders start beneath the baseline with the player on the end (X3) holding the ball.

  • X3 passes down the line to X2, who passes to X1, who passes the ball to 3.

  • After passing to X2, X3 begins to closeout to 3. After passing to X1, X2 begins closing out to 2, and after passing to 3, X1 begins to closeout on 1.

  • After receiving the pass from the defense, 3 swings the ball to 2 who reverses it to 1. Once 1 receives the pass, the drill is live.

  • 1 should look to attack the long closeout from X1 and force the defense to rotate. The offense then tries to keep the advantage while the defense scrambles and tries to recover.


4v3 Half Court:

  • The offense begins with 4 players spaced along the perimeter, while the 3 defenders are located on both blocks and the middle of the free throw line.

  • The coach passes the ball to any player along the perimeter, initiating a closeout from the defense.

  • The offense looks to keep the numbers advantage by making the extra pass, attacking closeouts, cutting to the rim, etc. The defense scrambles and tries to recover.


4v4 Around the Cone:

  • Place a cone any where beyond the three point line.

  • The offense starts in 4-out spacing with the 4 defenders positioned on-ball and in the correct help positions.

  • 1 starts by dribbling around the cone - X1 must trail 1 around the cone.

  • Once 1 turns the corner around the cone, the drill is live - the offense looks to keep the advantage, while the defense rotates, scrambles and tries to recover.

  • Offense keeps the ball on a make and immediately gets the ball around the cone for another rep. On the defensive rebound, the defense takes it around the cone to begin another rep.

  • The drill is dead on a make and defensive rebound until the player turns the corner around the cone.


3v3 Cone Touch:

  • The defender (X1) starts on the three point line with a ball, while the offensive player (1) starts between the two cones

  • X1 tosses the ball to 1 and touches either cone. Upon receiving the toss, 1 begins to attack looking to finish at the rim.

  • The defense must rotate to take this way. The offense looks to keep the advantage and create a high percentage shot, while the defense scrambles and tries to recover.


4v4 Blind Advantage:

  • Starts in 4-out spacing with the on-ball defender (X1) facing the hoop to start.

  • The drill goes live on 1’s attack (he can attack either direction). 1 looks to get downhill and finish if possible.

  • The defense must rotate to help, and from there the offense tries to keep the advantage while the defense scrambles and tries to recover.


2v2 Read & React:

  • One offensive player (1) starts in the slot , while the other offensive player (2) starts in the weak side corner.

  • The ball handler (1) starts with a hip advantage on his defender, while X2 starts in correct help position.

  • The drill goes live on 1’s attack - 1 looks to get downhill and finish if he can.

  • The defense must rotate to help, and from there the offense tries to keep the advantage while the defense scrambles and tries to recover.


2-Man Game 1v1:

  • The offensive player (1) starts with the ball on the wing being guarded by the defender (X1). There is also a player or coach positioned in the center of the free throw line.

  • 1 passes the ball to 3 and sprints to receive the handoff, with their first option being to get downhill.

  • If 1 cannot get downhill from the hand off, 3 can turn and set a ball screen for 1 to attack. After the hand off and ball screen, 1 can no longer use 3 for help.

  • You can prescribe defensive coverages depending on what you are wanting to work on (i.e. X1 go under the hand off, but over the ball screen, etc.)


Contested Shooting & Finishing:

  • Two players start on the elbows (2 & 3), both holding a ball with their outside hand. The defender X1 starts on the FT line in the center of these two players). The offensive player (1) is at the top of the key.

  • The drill starts when 1 cuts either direction to receive the handoff for a shot from the player at the elbow.

  • On 1’s cut, X1 must high five the player at the opposite elbow before closing out and contesting 1’s shot.

  • After shooting the ball, 1 sprints to receive the DHO from the player at the opposite elbow while X1 attempts to defend it.

  • 1 looks to turn the corner and get downhill, while X1 attempts to recover and contest.

  • You can prescribe defensive coverages depending on what you are wanting to work on (i.e. X1 go over the hand off, etc.)


stetson 3v3: