Post Player Drills
Mican series:
1 foot
2 feet
Mchale Drill:
Post player starts with a ball on one side of the rim and tosses it agains the back board.
The post player than jumps up to continue tipping the ball against the back board with his outside hand (while touching the net with his inside hand).
After tipping the ball to himself three times, the post player will finish on his fourth jump with his outside hand only.
Post Move Progression:
Works best with 2 coaches - one playing dummy defense on the post player and one coach making the post entry pass.
Post player will start on the elbow and run into his post up (simulates a rim run in transition or a roll off a ball screen). Use proper footwork when posting up - we teach the cross step + leg whip technique.
Upon receiving the pass, the offensive post player will make a move to score based on how the coach is defending him.
Can prescribe finishes to work on or have it be random based on how the coach defends it.
Post Moves to Rep:
Drop Step
Middle Hook
Middle Attack to Drop Step
Up & Under
Face Up
Quick Spin
Post 1v1:
Start with an offensive post player (5) on the elbow and the defensive player (X5) protecting the rim. The coach has a ball and is positoined at the wing to make the post entry pass.
5 will run into his post up using proper technique, while X5 battles for position and tries to make the post entry difficult. The drill goes live on the catch.
If the offensive player scores, he stays on offense and a new defender comes in. If the defender gets a stop, he goes to offense and a new defender comes in.
Dunker 1v1 Finishing:
The offensive player (5) starts in the dunker spot with the defender (X5) in the middle of the lane.
The coach (passer) has a ball at the middle of the free throw line and passes to 5.
On the pass, X5 goes to contest the finish from 5.
5 focuses on his pre-catch stance, closing the gate and finishing through contact.
Dunker to Post 1v1:
Starts just like Dunker 1 on 1, but after 5 finishes from the dunker spot they will get the ball back out to the coach on the wing and 5 will look to post up.
It is live on the catch as 5 tries to make a move and finish against X5.
Block 1v1 Finishing:
Players start on opposite blocks, while the coach starts with the basketball at the free throw line.
The coach can throw to either player. The receiver becomes the offensive player, while the other player is the defender.
PNR Post Finishing Series:
5 starts in the weak side dunker spot and sprints to set a screen in the opposite slot against a cone/chair.
The 1st finish will be 5 rolling to the rim and receiving a pocket pass or lob from the passer (located at the elbow). 5 then looks to finish against the coach at the rim.
The 2nd finish will be 5 rolling to the rim, turning and sealing for a post up (simulating a kick back entry). The passer is located at the wing for this finish.
The 3rd finish will be 5 rolling to the rim and ducking in for a post up. The passer will be in the weak side slot for this finish.