Defensive Breakdown Drills
5 on 3 Shell:
This drill starts with 3 offensive players, defensive players and 2 coaches who also act as offensive players.
The coach starts with the ball while the defenders start positioned in gap help.
The coach swings the ball to start the action. The offense looks to keep the ball moving with 1-3 being able to cut and move after passing. The defenders stay in correct guarding position as the ball moves along the perimeter.
The coach can eventually yell “live” which triggers live 3v3 without the coaches.
2v2 on & Off the Ball:
The coach starts on the wing with the ball while 1 & 2 occupy the slots. The defenders (Xs) start in gap help positioning.
When the ball is swung by the coach to 1, X1 closes out on the ball while X4 gets into gap help. 1 & 2 pass the ball back and forth (holding for 2 seconds on the catch so coach can check positioning).
After the ball has been passed back and forth a few times and each defender has had multiple reps getting on and off the ball, the coach can yell “live” to trigger live 2v2.
Skip Pass 1 on 1:
The offensive player (1) starts in the opposite slot of the coach, who has a ball.
The defender (X1) is positioned in help (halfway between the ball and his man and a step off the line).
On the coach’s skil pass to 1, X1 closes out while 1 is looking to attack the closeout and finish at the rim (2 dribbles max).
Wing 1 on 1:
Coach starts with the ball at the top of the key while the offensive player (1) is being guarded by the defender (X1) on the wing.
X1 tries to deny the catch, forcing 1 to work to get open (get into X1’s body and create space for the catch).
On the catch, the drill is live and 1 can use 2 dribbles max to try and finish at the rim. No jumpshots.