Boston Celtic’s 5-Out Delay Series

Boston Celtic’s Delay Series:

The Boston Celtics found tremendous success with a popular 5-out action known as “delay” on their way to the 2022 NBA Finals.

Delay is a 5-out action that teams will flow into if the ball is centered to the trailing 5-man after the initial transition attack. In addition to the trailer, there are two players spaced in both corners and two players spaced at each “45".”

The ball being centered to the trailer at the top of the key triggers screening actions on both sides of the floor, between the player in the corner and the player at the 45. Most often you will see teams flow into either a pin down from the 45 to the corner, or a flare from the corner for the player at the 45.

The 5-man, now with the ball at the top of the key, acts as the playmaker and can distribute the ball to either side depending on who is open. A lot of defenses will switch these guard-to-guard screens away from the ball, so players are often open if they slip their screen and dive to the rim.

If there isn’t an initial scoring option created by the pin downs, flares or slips, the 5-man can follow his pass and set a ball screen for the ball handler.


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